Sunday, March 05, 2006

Exploring Nanning

We took some time this afternoon and walked a few blocks from the hotel. We took Lauren in several of the little shops lining the streets. These shops are pretty much the same all over China... very small spaces (maybe only 8' by 12') that sell a particular kind of merchandise... some sell clothing, some sell cigarettes, others are tiny grocery stores with most of the essentials you need. We got Sprite for Lauren, some Chinese version of Oreos, chips, etc.... snacks to keep in the hotel room. These shops are open all across the front and close by pulling down a door similar to a garage door. Nanning has quite a bit of traffic...bicycles, bicycle carts, motorcycles, cars and trucks all mixed in together. Some of the bicycles are so old they look like antiques. It has been overcast here with drizzle and rain for several days. We're hoping for sunshine in the next day or two. Hannah told us today that Lili will be having part of her medical exam tomorrow morning and we may not get to see her until late in the day...maybe 4 or 5pm. Lori had been expecting to get to see her at 9am tomorrow and although she is dissapointed in the delay, we know that getting the medical exam out of the way is a plus for us. It's now 7:30 here and I'm the only one awake... the rest of the crew are all sleeping soundly...(still trying to recover from the BIG travel day). Things are going great so far. Our guide seems to be nice and very capable. We can't wait to get our arms around Lili... please keep us in your prayers that everything will go smoothly tomorrow.....Rick.


At 10:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

HEY. Just a suggestion...Dad and Lori could you post the exact time and day in China when you write these emails? It has the time Lori's aunt posts them, so we don't know exactly when they were. And the time thing really confuses me! Have fun and buy lots of stuff for me!!! Love, Linz

At 12:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey guys! I suspect by now you have met LiLi... we were glad to see that you arrived with little delay and are well. Can't wait to hear about the new family member. Our thoughts are with you... every step of the way.
love from the Heaths

At 1:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rick, Thanks for the posts!!

Linz...The time thing is VERY confusing. If I remember correctly, you just add 14 hours to Texas time to get China time. They arrived in Guangzhou, China on Sunday morning 6:20 a.m. and caught an 8:30 a.m. flight to Nanning. (that would be 4:20 p.m. Saturday evening and 6:30 p.m. Saturday evening Texas time) So, when your dad says "it's now 7:30" and everyone is asleep..I understand that to read it's 7:30 p.m Sunday evening/China Time..5:30 a.m. Sunday morning/Texas Time.

I'm reading that they should get LiLi 4-5 p.m. on Monday afternoon (Lori expected to get her Monday a.m.). Monday afternoon in China (4-5 p.m.) would be Monday morning in Texas (2-3 a.m.). So, if they get a chance to post..we should wake up to the good news. **chills** Correct me if I'm wrong, but that's what I'm thinking.

Craving Info (and Pictures) in Texas,
The Damon Crew (Bev, Duane, Morgan and Mackenzie)

At 1:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Lauren!,

Good Job on being such a great Traveler! We love you!

Morgan and Kenzie

At 1:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Rick and Lori! I'm so excited for you! We stayed in that same hotel in Nanning when we went to get Jaci. There is a pretty good bakery we enjoyed down one of those main streets. We can't wait to see pictures of Lili! Love, The Stokes

At 6:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Soo glad you all made it safely without me :) !!! Just kidding,Lori ! Can't wait to see Lauren's expression of seeing her Little sister for the first time! please make sure Wanda gets that shot. Take care, we're saying extra special prayers for you all .


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